I think we all get lulled into thinking that IT infrastructure is as solid as a rock. Just because all those problems that we had “a year or two ago” are all forgotten, does that mean that life will not become a nightmare next week?

Every time something goes wrong, write it in a log. Get everybody to do the same in the same log. You can then see what still is not sorted, which problem has come up yet again and what makes you uneasy. Make it part of the quality system and part of a monthly review. Once “won’t print in A3 over network from ABC” changes from occasional to often, you could have a real drag on working efficiently.

If anybody changes anything, test it once it is all finished. Don’t change your VPN on the Friday afternoon before your two week holiday and really expect there to be no problems. Get the test program and results written down. “Yeah, it is working fine” is useless, as it probably does not.

Be paranoid about the law of unintended consequences. Jumping in and upgrading this or that then finding something will not work is a disaster. The IT system is part of the infrastructure and value of the business. You would not let an idiot remodel your house without thinking it through. Specific examples might be software packages that will not work with a newer version of Windows or vice versa. Or a package that has worked with Sage for years but is overlooked when you jump in and upgrade to the latest Sage offering. Even a peripheral issue, like all those custom Sage reports that you paid to be written suddenly getting lost when you upgrade to a new release, can prove an irritation.

Listen carefully to snippets that people who know their stuff say. If a guy who is an expert on CMS systems tells you that running on with Outlook 2003 could cause problem, then take this seriously. If you have problems down the line, it is well worth keeping this in mind as a possible root cause. Sometimes, it is not good to be in denial.

Don’t get confused between training somebody up to use new software and setting it up. Some software dealers will happily book a day of training, turn up and launch into a totally unstructured day with a low level trainee being asked how they want a system set up, no thoughts on what level of competence the person has and no training materials what so ever. Easy money if you can get it! Take ownership of a plan for implementing a new software package, with a timetable, costs, review of training needs, some way of testing and signing off and a training plan. I don’t think it should be taken for granted that paying a heap of money to a supplier will include this.

We have all read of disastrous Public Sector IT projects where we spend a fortune and the thing never works. Unfortunately, I have heard of more than a few small firms who have commissioned bespoke software, which has soaked up money and still never worked. Once you are sucked in, you just have to keep on paying as salvation is always just round the corner. I am sure that it sounds a good idea at the time. In addition, you are stuck with only one person or firm who can sort it. If a programmer swans off for more money, you can be left adrift.

There is undoubtedly a complex mix of factors in IT that make it a challenge for businesses. It is fast moving, but I don’t think this precludes a business from getting a system running nicely and using it for five years with minimal changes. IT people need to be bright. I think that people do move around so continuity is an issue. Fiddling until something works does not sit well with carefully recording how you sorted it.

All said, when it is working, IT has transformed the whole way of working for smaller businesses. And it will continue to do so.