Quality Control

Measuring the thickness can leave you deep in it

By |2018-03-02T16:05:36+00:00November 21st, 2014|Blog|

As someone who has more than once been left unconvinced that a thickness called up on a drawing was what had been produced, I was interested to read of last week’s awful legal case where a new yacht had run aground, the hull split and the owner brought an action against the yacht builder claiming that [...]

Shelf life – always on the radar but conveniently forgotten?

By |2018-03-02T16:07:01+00:00April 23rd, 2014|Blog|

The issue of shelf life You wouldn't buy sausages when the shelf life was just about to expire and expect them to be good three weeks later; so why do we do this with elastomeric seals and sealants? Why would any manufacturer buy materials that are nearly past their sell-by date when for the same [...]

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