
Tips for Fitting a Hydraulic Seal to Hydraulic Pumps

By |2018-03-07T18:14:22+00:00March 6th, 2018|Hydraulic Seals, Most Popular, White Paper|

This is what we have learnt about fitting hydraulic seals into our pumps. They will be relevant to most other hydraulic equipment. We will add to it and are always happy to receive feedback. Contents: Three tips for easy hydraulic sealing before you start. Things to beware when you’re stripping hydraulics down! Our five big [...]

What is the right Elastomer for your hydraulic sealing and is it important?

By |2018-03-07T18:14:44+00:00March 6th, 2018|Blog, Hydraulic Hand Pump Basics, Hydraulic Seals, Most Popular, White Paper|

How picking the right elastomeric hydraulic seal material is more than just chemistry and a catalogue. Use a seal material catalogue Useful elastomer materials What to watch out for Formulations change over time Specialist compounds Shelf life Machined seals Talk to an applications engineer After 30 years, Sarum Hydraulics knows quite a lot about seals [...]

Measuring the thickness can leave you deep in it

By |2018-03-02T16:05:36+00:00November 21st, 2014|Blog|

As someone who has more than once been left unconvinced that a thickness called up on a drawing was what had been produced, I was interested to read of last week’s awful legal case where a new yacht had run aground, the hull split and the owner brought an action against the yacht builder claiming that [...]

Seal material round up.

By |2018-03-02T16:13:36+00:00October 28th, 2014|Blog|

Just a simple round up from what we have learnt about seal materials over thirty years. There are no end of sites on the Web on seal materials and compatibility. There are manufacturers like Parker on . There are lots of great distributors. As usual, feel free to comment, even if something is wrong. [...]

Five smart ways to nail down a leak

By |2018-03-02T16:11:44+00:00August 26th, 2014|Blog|

After thirty years of manufacturing our Micropac pressure and hydrostatic test pumps, we know a thing or two about leaks. The easy job is pressure testing your job up to a “proof pressure”, checking that it does not leak or has not permanently deformed and signing it off. Job done! The science is in diagnosing [...]

Twelve things I have learnt about seals

By |2018-03-02T16:13:50+00:00July 29th, 2014|Blog|

We certainly know our seals here, we've been designing pumps for 30 years! Here's some of what we've learnt: Think carefully about designing in a seal unique to one manufacturer. It is a right headache if they are suddenly on a 16 week lead. There are Chinese seals and Chinese seals. Bearing in mind that [...]

A penny seal – a major risk to your business?

By |2018-03-02T16:14:02+00:00October 10th, 2013|Blog|

Hydraulic seals are the cornerstone of all hydraulic systems. We know that manufacturing problems involving these inexpensive parts can prove very disruptive in terms of lost production time. Reliability issues with these seals can inflict reputational damage on a manufacturer that is out of all proportion to the price of the part. So, how come [...]

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